How To Get Yourself To Open Up In Therapy

Posted on: 2 September 2015


In order for therapy to be truly effective, you are going to need to make sure that you open yourself up and are willing to be vulnerable. This is important, because it allows a therapist, like those at Dr. Stephen Brown & Associates, to help you identify what you need to fix in your own psyche in order to lead a fulfilling life. However, opening up to someone that is a relative stranger can be extremely difficult. Here are some ways to get yourself to open up in therapy and make the most of your time with your therapist.

1. Write Down One or Two Things You Want to Talk About Beforehand

The first step is to write down one or two things that you are going to want to talk about before you even go into therapy. These things could be some of the flaws that you have that you are ashamed of, some difficult relationships that you feel guilty about, or anything else that you might find hard to say out loud. Writing these down is the first step to being able to talk about them because, in essence, you have already told your notebook about them. It will also give you a chance to organize your thoughts. You can even read what you wrote down, rather than telling your therapist directly.

2. Pretend Your Therapist is Your Best Friend

Most people have at least one person that they are able to open up to. In order to get yourself to open up to your therapist, you are going to need to see your therapist in the same way that you would see that person whom you trust enough to talk to. Ask your therapist to adopt some of the mannerisms of the friend that you trust when he or she is listening to you in order to trick your subconscious into slightly identifying the therapist as someone you trust. This will make it easier for you to open up.

3. Don't Face Your Therapist When Talking About Difficult Subjects

Finally, if need be, don't even face your therapist when talking about difficult subjects. Face the wall so that you are able to pretend that you are alone in a room, narrating your fears or vulnerabilities to yourself. This can help you push through the discomfort of talking to someone else and make it easier for you to share. Turn your chair slightly more towards the therapist each session so that you can get used to talking about difficult subjects with him or her face to face.

For more information and assistance, talk to your therapist.